Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 6th Edition

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 6th Edition is an introductory textbook for a primary course in applied statistics and probability for undergraduate students in engineering and the physical or chemical sciences. These individuals play a significant role in designing and developing new products and manufacturing systems and processes, and that they also improve existing systems.

Statistical methods are an important tool in these activities because they supply the engineer with both descriptive and analytical methods for handling the variability in observed data. Although many of the techniques we display are basic to statistical analysis in other areas, such as business and management, the life sciences, and therefore the social sciences, we’ve elected to focus on an engineering-oriented audience.

We realize that this technique will best serve students in engineering and therefore the chemical/physical sciences and can allow them to consider the many applications of statistics in these disciplines. We have worked hard to ensure that our examples and exercises are engineering- and science-based, and in most cases we’ve  used samples of real data—either taken from a printed source or supported our consulting experiences.

We believe that engineers altogether disciplines should take a minimum of one course in statistics. Unfortunately, due to other requirements, most engineers will only take one statistics course. This book are often used for one course, although we’ve provided enough material for two courses within the hope that more students will see the important applications of statistics in their daily work and choose a 2nd course. We believe that this book also will function a useful reference.

We have retained the relatively modest mathematical level of the primary five editions. We have found that engineering students who have completed one or two semesters of calculus and have some knowledge of algebra should haven’t any difficulty reading all of the text. It is our intent to offer the reader an understanding of the methodology and the way to use it, not the mathematical theory. We have made many enhancements during this edition, including reorganizing and rewriting major portions of the book and adding variety of latest exercises.

Writers of “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 6th Edition” are Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger.

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Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 6th Edition: Table of Content

Chapter 1 The Role of Statistics in Engineering 1
Chapter 2 Probability 15
Chapter 3 Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions 65
Chapter 4 Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions 107
Chapter 5 Joint Probability Distributions 155
Chapter 6 Descriptive Statistics 199
Chapter 7 Point Estimation of Parameters and Sampling Distributions 239
Chapter 8 Statistical Intervals for a Single Sample 271
Chapter 9 Tests of Hypotheses for a Single Sample 305
Chapter 10 Statistical Inference for Two Samples 373
Chapter 11 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation 427
Chapter 12 Multiple Linear Regression 477
Chapter 13 Design and Analysis of Single-Factor Experiments: The Analysis of Variance 539
Chapter 14 Design of Experiments with Several Factors 575
Chapter 15 Statistical Quality Control 663
Appendix A. Statistical Tables and Charts 737
Appendix B: Bibliography 765
Appendix C: Answers to Selected Exercises 769
Glossary 787
Index 803
Index of applications in examples and exercises, continued 809


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