Category Fantasy

King’s Cage Red Queen Book 3 – Victoria Aveyard

Action and Adventure, Dystopian Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Romance, Mysteries, Red Queen Books In Order, Red Queen Series, Romance, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Victoria Aveyard, Victoria Aveyard Books In Order

King’s Cage Red Queen Book 3: In this thrilling third installment of Victoria Aveyard’s top New York Times Bestseller Red Queen series, rebellion is rising, and loyalties are tested on each side. The perfect book for those who love George R.R. Martin’s Game of…

Glass Sword Red Queen Book 2 – Victoria Aveyard

Action and Adventure, Dystopian Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Romance, Mysteries, Red Queen Books In Order, Red Queen Series, Romance, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Victoria Aveyard, Victoria Aveyard Books In Order

Glass Sword Red Queen Book 2: Ideal for those who love George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series, Glass Sword is the sequel to the high-stakes New York Times bestselling Red Queen aeries. Mare’s blood has a hue of red–the color of everyday people. But…

Red Queen Book 1 – Victoria Aveyard

Action and Adventure, Dystopian Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Romance, Mysteries, Red Queen Books In Order, Red Queen Series, Romance, Science Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Victoria Aveyard, Victoria Aveyard Books In Order

By #1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen is an epic tale of power, suspense, and betrayal ideal for those who love George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series. Mare Barrow’s universe is divided by blood. Those with joint Red…