Golden Son: Red Rising Series Book 2 – Pierce Brown

Golden Son by Pierce Brown: Red Rising Series Book 2: The golden son is the story of the revenge. Revenge is to be taken at every cost to raise the falling spirit. The story has the life or death related scenes and events that lead to the destruction and devastation.

Darrow has now become the peerless scared and is working in the service of his enemies. He is given the order to get the control of his own fleet of warships by Nero au Augustus. He is of the opinion that this service will be useful for the Sons of Ares. They have the program to wipe away the society. The golden son is determined to regain his lost glory and greatness.

During his stay at academy, Darrow is to encounter Cassius‘s older brother Karnus au Bellona. A battle was fought between these two. Both try their level best to beat each other. Darrow tries his most tried move but unfortunately, he is overconfident and is unaware the strength of the opponent. This unawareness costs him much and he loses the first ever encounter.  This defeat proves fatal for his career and future planning. This defeat also becomes the cause of the hundred of deaths. The golden son is now on the move.

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Golden Son: Red Rising Series Book 1 – Pierce Brown

As a result of this defeat, Karnus gains the control of the ship and unveils all the planning that Darrow has made against his opponents.  The defeat also brings humiliation and disgrace for Darrow. When he comes back in his quarter, Karnus with the help of the other members and crew of the ship initiate the revenge upon Darrow for the death of Julian and humiliate him to great extent. Another shock after the defeat Darrow has to face comes from Augustus who quits his contract with him and directs him that he would be auctioned again.

He is to be auctioned at the gathering of the great house of Luna. Augustus was his strong supporter and with Augustus at his back, he was unconquerable but now, he is the easy prey for the family f Bellona which is determined to kill him and take out his heart from his body.  The jackal offers Darrow to be his partner so that they both are ready to combat with the opponents. They both make their plan to combat the situation and get rid of the disgrace and humiliation of the previous defeat.

Would their plans be successful or once again, he is to face the humiliation and disgrace. The action packed novel would split your hair and you would be surprised at each act and action. The characters and event leading to the final combat are such as the readers would surely enjoy and the golden son is the target for everyone and everyone is being targeted by the golden son.

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Pierce Brown has made the novel and character of the novel very interesting and amusing. The novel is masterpiece of the pen of Pierce Brown. Suspense and actions are craved skillfully and tactfully and each act is submerged into other action and act.  

Golden Son Audible - Red Rising Series Book 2 2015 Golden Son Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 2 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE

Red Rising Book detail

  • Publisher : Hodder & Stoughton; 1st edition (8 January 2015)
  • Language : English
  • File size : 1224 KB
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled
  • Screen Reader : Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
  • X-Ray : Enabled
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • Print length : 465 pages
  • Best Sellers Rank: #66,289 in Kindle Store

Red Rising Series in Order

Red Rising Books in Order are released in lot of formats like Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, free Audio book, Audio CD, Library binding. GET 100% FREE ACCESS TO THESE BOOKS BY SIGN UP HERE!

To read the books in the order they have been published, follow the listing below.

Book Cover Year Title Author  Latest Price
Red Rising 2014 Red Rising: Red Rising Series Book 1 Pierce Brown Check Price
Golden Son (The Red Rising Trilogy) 2015 Golden Son: Red Rising Series Book 2 Pierce Brown Check Price
Morning Star (Red Rising Series) 2016 Morning Star: Red Rising Series Book 3 Pierce Brown Check Price
Iron Gold (Red Rising Series) 2018 Iron Gold: Red Rising Series Book 4 Pierce Brown Check Price
Dark Age (Red Rising Series) 2018 Dark Age: Red Rising Series Book 5 Pierce Brown Check Price

Red Rising series is super hit book collection by the exact same title and have been adapted into movies and lot of other books of same genre, Red Rising Books illustrates the actual hero in fiction world.

As the most loved author by teens in USA libraries for the past 15 years in a row, Pierce Brown is a action and adventure composing force of nature. If you haven’t yet delved into Red Rising books, then what exactly are you waiting for?

How to get free Red Rising Series?

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Book Cover Year Title Narrator FREE LINK
Red Rising Audible - Red Rising Series Book 1 2014 Red Rising Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 1 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE
Golden Son Audible - Red Rising Series Book 2 2015 Golden Son Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 2 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE
Morning Star Audible - Red Rising Series Book 3 2016 Morning Star Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 3 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE
Iron Gold Audible - Red Rising Series Book 4 2018 Iron Gold Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 4 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE
Dark Age Audible - Red Rising Series Book 5 2018 Dark Age Free Audible – Red Rising Series Book 5 Tim Gerard Reynolds GET FREE

Rising books have become very popular since the first novel, Golden Son – Red Rising Series Book 2 was published. Series and wait patiently every year for the author to release another publication.

About Pierce Brown

Pierce Brown is among the most astonishing American science imaginary tale writers. His first work of fiction, Red Rising, first appearance was on 28 January, 2014. It was the first chapter in the Red Rising Series.

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Source: Red Rising Series

Pierce Brown spent most his childhood setting traps and construction temples for his cousins. He graduated college from the year 2010, and fancied the inspiration of moving on with his studies at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry, though he doesn’t have a bone that is supernatural. So while making it as a writer, he was employed as a manager of Social media at an established tech corporation.

When Pierce was only twenty-three decades, he was able to have a book deal with the Random House. Additionally, he blessed many people with his novels and his appearances as well! He really likes cats, dogs and reading.

Pierce Brown is a wonderful writer. The debut novelist blends the past, present and the future together in a work of fiction that in case you haven’t read yet, you are going to want to soon since it is all you’ll hear about. He was able to construct a persuasive revolutionary setting that conveys homage and tips to other franchise (also as Star Wars), but still subsists because its own exclusive monster.

The characters do not come across as pampered, rather the writer takes heed to drive them to their eventual limits of comprehension and morality (and occasionally past those limits). The whole lot feels so alive and fresh.

Pierce Brown has written a bestseller books, but her most loved ones are the ones included in the Red Rising Series. These include:

  • Red Rising
  • Golden Son
  • Morning Star
  • Iron Gold
  • Dark Age

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