Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling: Harry potter’s fate brings him at Hogwarts school where he studying with his friends. It was his third year when he hears that the notorious Sirius Black has escaped from the notorious jail Azkaban. He is there because he killed thirteen people with his single curse. Azkaban is has vowed to kill the thirteen years old Harry Potter to take his revenge upon the young wizard. The school is being protected and defended by Hermione cat and Ron’s rat
A teacher at school helps Harry Potter to learn defense against the deadly Sirius Black. She has some secret links with the infamous Sirius Black which the thorough study of the book would reveal. Sirius Black has left behind only two vague clues for his chasers. One was the You Know and muttering of him in sleep, “he is at Hogwarts.”
Harry Potter is unsafe even in his own magical school which is castle against his worst enemies. But it seems that there is some traitor hidden among them n the school fore walls.

Sirius Black runs from Azkaban and is after Harry Potter and the clash between the two starts. Professor Trelawney senses death of Harry Potter in the form of tea leaves. School is surrounded by Dementors who have the power ot suck even the souls from the bodies.
Hope against hope, magical powers of truth and love, believe in one’s abilities are the morals codes that prove handy and powerful tools of harry against the deadly and darkened forces of nature which try to dampen the courage and morale of the human beings. They are also the message of Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.
The story of the Boy Who Lived has countless means of entertainments for the readers of all the ages and generations. The summer proves very crucial for Harry Potter and his friends. With the increase in heat and stuff, Harry’s temper also rises like a balloon filled with hot air. The situation worsens when a terrifying aunt Dursleys makes some nasty and means comments about Harry Potter.
Harry Potter gives a heavy blow on her face and runs away in fear of getting punishment from the management of school. The prisoner of Azkaban he is on run and night captures him but a magical bus comes to his rescue. The bus takes him to a place called Leaky Cauldron. The place reveals to him that the third year stay at school would be full of trials, tribulations and horrors.
Along with fighting with the deadly Sirius Black and helping his friends, he also comes to know more about his family history and history of Hogwarts. The suspense and crispy paced fantasy is there to increase your appetite for reading the more books offered by J.K Rowling.
Harry’s third year is a charm. Don’t miss it.
About Author
Harry Potter is the best known book by J.K Rowling. The series of the novel consist of seven books. These are published during 1997 and 2007. The series of Harry Potter has sold 500 million copies. This series has been translated in more than 80 languages in the entire world. Eight blockbuster films are also on her credit which is itself a record in history of kid’s literature.
Other books of the Author
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
- The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in aid of Lumos.
- The Casual Vacancy published in 2012.
- The Cuckoo’s Calling, published in 2013.
- The Silkworm followed in 2014.
- Career of Evil in 2015.
- Lethal White in 2018.
Book Detail:
- Publisher : Arthur A. Levine Books; Illustrated edition (June 26, 2018)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 464 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1338299166
- ISBN-13 : 978-1338299168
- Reading age : 8 years and up
- Lexile measure : 880L
- Grade level : 3 – 6
- Item Weight : 13.6 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.2 x 1 x 8 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #13,811 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #263 in Children’s School Issues
- #558 in Children’s Friendship Books
- #680 in Children’s Fantasy & Magic Books