Sociology by John J. Macionis – 14th Edition

Sociology by John J. Macionis – 14th Edition: The world today challenges us like never before.We all know that the economy is uncertain, not only here at home but around the world. There’s a lot of anger about how our leaders in Washington are doing their jobs. Perhaps no one should be surprised to read polls that tell us most of the people are anxious about their economic future, unhappy with government, and worried about the state of the planet.

Many of us simply feel overwhelmed, as if we were up against forces we can barely grasp. That’s where sociology comes in. For more than 150 years, sociologists have been working to raised understand how society operates. We sociologists may not have all the answers, but we have learned quite a lot. After all, we all have a stake in understanding our world and, as best we can, improving it.

Sociology, Fourteenth Edition, provides you with comprehensive understanding of how this world works.You will find this book to be informative and even entertaining. Before you have finished the first chapter, you will discover that sociology is not only useful—it is also fun. Sociology is a field of study that can change the way you see the world and open the door to several new opportunities. What could be more exciting than that?

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Sociology by John J. Macionis – 14th Edition: Table of Content

Part I The Foundations of Sociology

  1. The Sociological Perspective 1
  2. Sociological Investigation 24

Part II The Foundations of Society

  1. Culture 52
  2. Society 78
  3. Socialization 100
  4. Social Interaction in Everyday Life 124
  5. Groups and Organizations 144
  6. Sexuality and Society 166
  7. Deviance 192

Part III Social Inequality

  1. Social Stratification 268
  2. Social Class in the United States 244
  3. Global Stratification 268
  4. Gender Stratification 392
  5. Race and Ethnicity 318
  6. Aging and the Elderly 346

Part IV Social Institutions

  1. The Economy and Work 368
  2. Politics and Government 392
  3. Families 416
  4. Religion 440
  5. Education 464
  6. Health and Medicine 486

Part V Social Change

  1. Population, Urbanization, and Environment 510
  2. Collective Behavior and Social Movements 538
  3. Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies 562


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