The Classic Horror Stories by HP Lovecraft

The Classic Horror Stories by HP Lovecraft

Readers may want to cross the threshold unaided and treat this debut as an afterword with the help of Classic Horror Stories by HP Lovecraft. The fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, it’s safe to say, divides opinion. He has been called ill hysterical and neurotic’, the writing’ gruesome. And a sympathetic biographer regards him as an eccentric recluse’, writing’s tilted, artificial and influenced’ work.

The author of the book “The Classic Horror Stories” is HP Lovecraft.

Lovecraft’s fiction was demolished by the eminent literary critic Edmund Wilson with the damning judgement that the sole horror of most of these fictions is the horror of bad taste and bad art. I yet at the same time, Lovecraft was adored by the fantastic experimental novelist Jorge was the topic of the first book by the leading modern French novelist Michel Houellebecq. Fiction and provide a new direction to modern horror, fusing science fiction and the Gothic inside a strict and bleakly materialist universe view.

As would be the films of the Alien series or the dream cinema of Guillermo del Toro. Lovecraft invented a whole myths of frightening gods and aliens to that thousands of stories have been added. Several occult religions are established in heinous worship of Lovecraft’s menacing god Cthulhu. Manga to modern philosophy, from heavy metal audio to ritual magic and the modern writers of hybrid fictions known as the new weird. All this is not bad for a man of delicate health who just circulated his stories to close friends in handwritten form or printed them in miniature networks of amateur journals.

Afterwards, he eked out a living by publishing in pulp magazines from the 1920S and 1930S. He was dismissive of his own efforts and was often disdainful of pulp horror and science fiction. He’d abandon manuscripts around for many years, unable to bear the notion of typing them up, an attempt he abhorred. There were no collections of his stories in book form during his life. Utterly marginal in life, barely living to a dwindling inheritance until he died in 1937, Lovecraft has become a major writer posthumously.

TABLE OF CONTENT: The Classic Horror Stories

  • The Horror at Red Hook 3
  • The Call of Cthulhu 24
  • The Colour out of Space 53
  • The Dunwich Horror 80
  • The Whisperer in Darkness 121
  • At the Mountains of Madness 182
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House 285
  • The Shadow over Innsmouth 320
  • The Shadow out of Time 382


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