Political Philosophy by Dudley Knowles (PDFhive.com)

Political Philosophy: Political Philosophy is a hard subject of study, however an appealing one, as well. It is hard in light of the fact that the focal ideas have been designed as much in the hurly-burly of political debate as in the philosopher’s study. These ideas have filled in as banners around which fighting causes have aroused, pennants for which restricting parties have battled – over and over again actually. In contrast to a significant number of the points of transcendentalism, state, they generally have a reverberation for issues of dynamic discussion. They are the perceived money of political contention and discussion. This submersion in our useful concerns may be thought to sully the order, guaranteeing that no work in political theory is without the spoil of faithfulness.

In any case this is assume that there is a flawless investigation of political ideas hanging tight to be uncovered from the trash of wearisome struggle, that the ideas can be scoured and analyzed free of the scratches and wounds caused by their expository business.

There is no such science; there is no ‘first rationality’ of political life. However it is crucial that political rationality be a cautious scholastic control correctly on the grounds that it is never simply that. It is indispensable that it be as trustworthy and straightforward as its producer can oversee on the grounds that it will dependably be taken to be a commitment to battles for power and crusades for strategies.

By Dudley Knowles

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Contents of Political Philosophy:

Preface xi
1 Introduction 1
The methods of ethics and political philosophy 3
A methodological impasse? 3
Reflective equilibrium 9
Political philosophy 14
2 Utilitarianism 23
The foundations of utilitarianism 24
Formal theory 25
Value theory 38
Utilitarian political philosophy 45
Liberty 45
Rights 49
Distributive justice 51
The state 58
Conclusion 64
3 Liberty 69
Introduction 69
Liberty, liberalism, libertarianism 70
Analysis 71
Isaiah Berlin: negative and positive liberty 74
The republican theory of freedom 85
The value of freedom 88
Freedom of action 90
Autonomy 92
Moral freedom 98
Toleration 100
Free states and free citizens 104
Democratic freedom 105
Civil liberty 107
Mill’s harm principle 108
Supplementary principles 113
Conclusion 129
4 Rights 133
Introduction 133
Analysis and definition 135
Preliminaries 135
Hohfeld’s classification 138
The justification of rights 155
Lockean themes: modes of ownership 155
Autonomy again 159
Rights and interests 165
Rights and utility 169
The no-theory theory 174
5 Distributive justice 177
Entitlement 178
Nozick’s theory of entitlement 179
F.A. Hayek 188
Private property 192
Human needs 195

The editors/writer of the book Political Philosophy:

Dudley Knowles


Information about Political Philosophy eBook
Book Name: Political Philosophy
Writer/Editor: Dudley Knowles
Language: ENGLISH
Online Reading: Yes (Full Book)
Android App: No
PDF Download: Yes (Full Book)
Available Format: Online, PDF
Result: HD (Printable)
Pages: 409
Size: 1.97 MB

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