How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way ( )

How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way: You know how it is. You intend to paint the barn or mow the lawn, tidy up your room, or write a book-but you keep putting it off because there are a zillion…
How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way: You know how it is. You intend to paint the barn or mow the lawn, tidy up your room, or write a book-but you keep putting it off because there are a zillion…
Textbook of Engineering Drawing: Building drawing is a two-dimensional portrayal of three-dimensional articles. When all is said in done, it gives fundamental data about the shape, measure, surface quality, material, fabricating process, and so forth., of the item. It is…
Color Theory: Just as a point space can be defined by is position in the three special dimensions (height, width, depth), color also has its own three dimensions. Any single color can be described by its three dimensions. Three dimensions…
Digital Colour in Graphic Design: Like it or not, we live in an increasingly digital world. Many of my generation can still remember, with some nostalgia, winding up the clockwork mechanism of a post-war radiogram housed in its polished mahogany…