Roses Are Red – Alex Cross Book 6 by James Patterson: James Patterson is back with another bombastic and hair splitting series of Alex Cross. Roses Are Red is a refreshing change in the boring hectic life of everyday. Alex cross is showing the stunting mettle and courage to encounter the enemies of the country and the nation. Alex wants each and everything fairly done without disturbing the order of the things. If anyone tries to disturb the order and discipline of the flow, Alex cross would definitely follow him and put an end to his heinous and distasteful activities.

Red are rose is the most romantic, touchy and superb novel of James Patterson. The novel moves between the two duties, duty toward his family and duty which is calling him to serve the people he has taken oath to serve.

The story brings out the potentials of the writer as well as the hero. The popular and the powerful city of Washington D.C is passing through the most critical period of its history. The bank robberies are taking place frequently in the city and the robbers do not spare the employees and their family members if they do not follow the directions of the robbers.

The robber calls himself the mastermind and claims to be the perfect planner and criminal in the world of the underworld. The robber has adopted the strange method of robbery. They enter the bank; they place their demands before the employees. If the demands are fulfilled without any hesitation, they take the money and take their way out of the bank never to come back. But on the other hand, if their demands are not fulfilled or delayed without any solid reasons, they slay each and every employee present in the bank and even their families are not spared.

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Roses Are Red- Alex Cross – James Patterson

Alex Cross is selected to resolve the case and arrest the criminals to present before the court of law for their ultimate sentence. Alex is finding himself between the two fires. His family is putting pressure on him for his stay at home. But he prefers to do the duty towards his country first and then his family. Roses are red if he goes to his family but the roses will turn yellow if he does not go to them.

Alex Cross starts the investigation and comes to know that the Master mind is planning some horrible last and perfect planning of robbery in the bank. Alex decides to put an end to the bank robbery serial. He also devises plan and the master mind also shapes out his perfect final crime. Who will win in the end; can be known it the book is followed till the last line of the roses are red.

The readers would enjoy the intricate plot and the theme of the novel Roses are Red. James Patterson is presenting the novel with simple start but makes it a different psychological piece. It is sure that Alex Cross is the center of the novel and he is painted as the most power character in the fiction of literature especially detective series. James Patterson knows the ingredients necessary   for the making the detective writing one the life like moving and handling the complicated situations very carefully and wisdom. 

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The writer of the book Roses Are Red – Alex Cross Book 6” is James Patterson and is published by Little Brown. Pop Goes the Weasel has 4.7 rating and more than 2161 reviews on Amazon.

Roses Are Red Book detail

  • Publisher : Vision; Reissue edition (October 1, 2001)
  • Language : English
  • Mass Market Paperback : 416 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0446605484
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0446605489
  • Dimensions : 4.2 x 1.65 x 6.75 inches
  • Best Sellers Rank: #30,053 in Books

Alex Cross Books In Order

Alex Cross Books In Order are released in lot of formats like Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, Audio book, Audio CD, Library binding. “Roses Are Red” is at the number 6 in Alex Cross series, written by James Patterson in 1999.

1Along Came A Spider1992Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
2Kiss the Girls1995Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
3Jack & Jill1996Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
4Cat & Mouse1997Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
5Pop Goes the Weasel1999Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
6Roses Are Red2000Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
7Violets Are Blue2001Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
8Four Blind Mice2002Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
9The Big Bad Wolf2003Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
10London Bridges2004Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
11Mary, Mary2005Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
12Cross2006Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
13Double Cross2007Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
14Cross Country2008Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
15Alex Cross’s Trial2009Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
16I, Alex Cross2010Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
17Cross Fire2010Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
18Kill Alex Cross2011Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
19Merry Christmas2012Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
20Alex Cross, Run2013Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
21Cross My Heart2013Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
22Hope to Die2014Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
23Cross Justice2015Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
24Cross the Line2016Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
25The People vs. Alex Cross2017Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
26Target2018Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
27Criss Cross2019Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
28Deadly Cross2020Hardcover  Paperback  Kindle Audio
Alex Cross Books In Order | James Patterson

About Author

James Patterson is among the writers who are in the top of the best sellers in the New York Times. He has invented the most variable characters for his novel series. Almost 380 million books of James Patterson have been sold out in the worldwide.  His name is included in the Guinness World record. His writings are for all the age group including kids, young  and old.

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