Category Computer Sciences

Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists by Michael Baron

Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists by Michael Baron: Starting with the basics of probability, this text leads readers to computer simulations, statistical inference, and regression. These areas are heavily utilized in modern computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, and…

Mathematical Structures for Computer Science by Judith L. Gersting

Mathematical Structures for Computer Science 7th Edition: A course in discrete structures (discrete mathematics) played a crucial role in Curriculum 68, the very first ACM computer science Curriculum development Guide: This course introduces the scholar to those fundamental algebraic, logical,…

Computer Forensics – Investigating Network Intrusions and Cyber Crime

Computer Forensics Series, preparing learners for C|HFI certification, is meant for those studying to become police investigators and other enforcement personnel, defense and military personnel, e-business security professionals, database administrators, legitimate professionals, banking, insurance professionals, government agencies, and IT managers.…

Video Training: A Complete Guide to eCommerce Business

What is actually eCommerce? Very natural speaking, eCommerce means buy something online and pay online. Top eCommerce websites are Amazon, Ali Express, eBay etc Components for eCommerce Store An eCommerce web site builder could be a program that allows you to build, customize, and run an online store. A…

Textbook of Engineering Drawing ( )

Textbook of Engineering Drawing, basic engineering drawing, engineering drawing and design, engineering drawing pdf, engineering drawing types, mechanical engineering

Textbook of Engineering Drawing: Building drawing is a two-dimensional portrayal of three-dimensional articles. When all is said in done, it gives fundamental data about the shape, measure, surface quality, material, fabricating process, and so forth., of the item. It is…

Color Theory ( )

Color Theory, color harmony, monochromatic color scheme, complementary colors list, spiritual meaning of colors, color css, color wheel, color palette

Color Theory: Just as a point space can be defined by is position in the three special dimensions (height, width, depth), color also has its own three dimensions. Any single color can be described by its three dimensions. Three dimensions…

Digital Colour in Graphic Design ( )

Digital Colour in Graphic Design, meaning of colors, meaning of colours in life, Color Theory, color harmony, monochromatic color scheme, complementary colors list, spiritual meaning of colors, color css, color wheel, color palette

Digital Colour in Graphic Design: Like it or not, we live in an increasingly digital world. Many of my generation can still remember, with some nostalgia, winding up the clockwork mechanism of a post-war radiogram housed in its polished mahogany…

Mastering Photoshop for Web Design (

Mastering Photoshop for Web Design, Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom, web designing course, web designing company, how to learn web designing, web designing software, html tags, HTML and CSS, photoshop free, photoshop cs6, photoshop cc, photoshop download for pc

Mastering Photoshop for Web Design: With regards to designing in Photoshop, there is a heap of ways one could use to accomplish a specific outcome. Designers use procedures they are most certain just as OK with, which is extraordinary on…

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom (

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom, web designing course, web designing company, how to learn web designing, web designing software, html tags, HTML and CSS

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom: Creating effective websites requires an understanding of design principles, as well as the underlying technology that is used to deliver and display content to your audience. The Web Design with HTML and…