The Power of Now- A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment ( )

Six years after it was first published. The Power of Now con-tinues to play its part in the urgent task of the transformation of human consciousness. Although I was privileged to give birth to it. l feel that the book has taken on a life and momen-tum of its own. It has reached several million readers world-wide. Many of whom have written to American state to inform of the life-changing result it’s had on them.
Due to the extremely high volume of correspondence I receive. I am regretfully no longer able to send personal replies, but I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have written to me to share their experiences. I am moved and deeply touched by many of those accounts.and they leave little question in my mind that AN new shift in consciousness is so happening on our planet. Nobody could have predicted the rapid growth of the book when Namaste Publishing in Vancouver published the first edition of three thousand copies in 1997. During its 1st year of publication, the book found its readers nearly solely through word of mouth.  

The Power of Now- A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment ( )

This does not mean. of course. that everyone responds favor-ably to the book. In many people, as well as in most of the po litical and economic structures and the greater part of the media, the old consciousness is still deeply entrenched. Anyone World Health Organization remains entirely known with the voice in their head — the stream of involuntary and constant thinking —will inevitably fail to ascertain what the facility of Now is all about.

Some enthusiastic readers gave a copy of the book to a friend or relative and were surprised and disappointed when the recipient found it quite meaningless and could not get beyond the first few pages. -Mumbo jumbo* was all that Time magazine could see in a book that countless people around the globe found life-changing. Furthermore, any teaching that puts the spotlight of attention on the workings of the ego can essentially provoke egoic reaction, resistance and attack.

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