Category Academic

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Academic Books has been building libraries for hundreds of years so they understand what readers want, free academic books of all sorts!

Reading academic books can be a great way to expand your knowledge and gain new insights into topics you’re interested in. They can also help you improve your writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and research skills.

If you’re looking for some good reads that will help you learn more about a variety of different subjects, here are four recommendations to get started:

Math 5 Class Notes ( )

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Math 5 Class Notes: Math 5th Class Solution has PEC 5 model papers, previous papers, textbook, math solution book. Math 5 Textbook Urdu Medium, Math 5 Solution Very Easy, Mathematics Formulas, Model Papers 2017-2019, Mathematics books, Mathematics solution, Importance of…

Spoken English – Flourish Your Language ( )

Spoken English – Flourish Your Language: If you’re a person whose mother-tongue is not English, the chances are, you’ve learnt English in the ‘non-natural way’. That is, you’ve learnt English in a way that is opposite to the way of…

Math 10 Urdu Medium Punjab Textbook Board

math 9th class notes solved

Math 10 Urdu Medium Punjab Textbook Board gives you power to solve everyday math problems in efficient way. Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power…

Chemistry 9 Easy Notes

Chemistry 9 Easy Notes: The information that gives comprehension of this world and how it functions, is chemistry. The part of science which manages the synthesis, structure, properties and responses of matter is called chemistry. It manages each part of…

Math 9 Solved Urdu Medium

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Math 9 solved Urdu Medium notes gives you power to solve everyday math problems in efficient way. Mathematics is the tool specially suited for dealing with abstract concepts of any kind and there is no limit to its power in this…

MDCAT Past Papers 2008-2018 updated Solved

MDCAT entrance test is always toughest for students after F.Sc medical students. Merit to achieve is becoming difficult day to day. I compile this book for ease to get good marks. Students can practice mcqs from this book. MDCAT Past…

Urdu Lecturer PPSC, NTS, FPSC, SST, Headmaster MCQ eBook

PPSC exam conducted by Government of Punjab Pakistan. Urdu Lecturer PPSC, NTS, FPSC, SST, Headmaster MCQ eBook will cover the Urdu portion of the Urdu lecturer syllabus. The remaining syllabus will be of computer MCQs, General Knowledge science, everyday science, mental…

Chemistry 9th Class Textbook Urdu Medium

chemistry 9 textbook urdu medium

Chemistry 9th Class Textbook Urdu Medium is helpful for students, teachers and lecturers. Major Chemistry topics are branches of chemistry, atoms, solutions and Chemical Reactivity. This textbook contains the full syllabus for Chemistry 9th class PTB. It is very helpful…

Chemistry 9th Notes Urdu Medium

Chemistry 9th Notes Urdu Medium is helpful for students, teachers and lecturers. Major Chemistry topics are branches of chemistry, atoms, solutions and Chemical Reactivity. This textbook contains the full syllabus for Chemistry 9th class PTB. It is very helpful to…

Chemistry 12 Textbook FSc Part-2

Chemistry 12 textbook FSc Part-2 is helpful for students, teachers and lecturers. Major Chemistry topics are branches of chemistry, atoms, solutions and Chemical Reactivity. This textbook contains the full syllabus for Chemistry 12th class PTB. It is very helpful to…

Chemistry 11 Textbook FSc Part-1

Chemistry 11 Textbook FSc Part-1

Chemistry 11 textbook FSc Part-1 is helpful for students, teachers and lecturers. Major Chemistry topics are branches of chemistry, atoms, solutions and Chemical Reactivity. This textbook contains the full syllabus for Chemistry 11th class PTB. It is very helpful to…